
Vital - Portable CBD Vaporizer - Top Green

Vital is an excellent spray-on type Vape pen with precise temperature setting, room spray ceramic , and a super mini bubbler option to an entry-level price range !

Vital XVape Vaporizer Dried Herbs, Resins, Concentrates


TopGreen Tech, offer you a portable vaporizer with adjustment of the heating temperature to the degree and OLED display.

  • Possibility to spray & charge (by USB) at the same time
  • Range - 40 to 60min (battery 2200mah)
  • Option bubbler very appreciable water filtration as accessory

This is the portable vaporizer cheap but effective... Its ceramic heating chamber reaches its maximum temperature of 240° in 25 seconds.

Its OLED display, and its intuitive interface coupled with an IMR 18650 Samsung 2200 Mah, the Vital Vaporizer is a robust and fairly accurate vaporization instrument in terms of temperature.

The vaporization chamber is very substantial (0.3 g), and fills up and this cleans easily with its wide opening.

This vaporizer also has a memory function (it will restart on the last vaporization temperature you had previously selected.

This vaporizer is usable during charging which allows you not to worry about the battery as long as you have a usb cable ! 

The airflow, that is to say the inhalation is very airborne and allows an almost free inhalation and without too much restriction.Si you want to filter your Steam with water it is possible with the bubbler Vital which is sold separately...


Vital - Top Green


  • Cheap CBD Vaporizer